Helping people find their

forever friend


This case study will go over my research approach, design approach and highlights my design skills and principles when going into a problem that already has different solutions in the real world.

Project type

Mobile & Web

Buyer Side

Google Material Design

My role


Research + Iterative Design


Summer 2021 | 3 months 


Me, Myself & 1


For prospective dog owners, finding the ideal puppy involves managing multiple different sources, some of which aren’t always verified or are visually untrustworthy. This makes the process difficult to ultimately find a puppy based on a user’s different needs.


Pup2Home is the solution for people that need help filtering through the noise in the search in the search for the perfect pup, all the while making the process enjoyable and informative.

My Story

2020 was a lonely year for everyone. My partner and I felt this especially, and we felt that we needed an addition to our family, a furry addition. We turned to any and all resources around us but found that we were more limited than we originally thought.

Screen Shot 2021-10-08 at 10.22.20 AM.png

Competitive Analysis

Just trying to find our forever pal (Sakai), left me with more questions than answers trying to navigate these methods. My same issues regarding, reliability, affordability, and distance were noticeable pain points in these current products among others.

Seen below are some screenshots of mobile apps (PuppyMatch & Petfinder) and a website (Puppyfinder) showing similar issues.

reliability issue 1 .PNG

Problems with reliability.

Give an option for the shelters to list a pet without a photo, while this might not seem like a problem this made me feel uneasy and prompted me to keep scrolling

Problems with distance

City and State is shown in the mini descriptions for the pups, I was located in the bay area in Northern California, yet and these were the closest located dogs within my matches, which are in Southern California (8 hour drive!).

I’m was already not motivated to keep looking seeing how far I’d have to go


Problems with


Problems with

affordability & transparency

Upon downloading I was not directly informed of PuppyMatch only representing shelters and was great by not prices anywhere. This was answered by clicking on the tile and scrolling to the bottom and seeing the shelter info.

No one should spend thousands of dollars on a pet just for the sake of getting a particular breed or match. Sometimes due to there being a lack of variety/shelters on a consolidated app/website, people spend exuberant amounts on a pup.

3 Key Pain Points

Here are the 3 pain points that I found when going through the above products.


Some dogs due to area are thousands of dollars, and other are incredibly cheap just a state over. The disparities make it confusing.


Not everyone can make a trip to meet there forever pup and traveling too far creates room for uncertainty.


Having a credible and legitimate source shouldn’t have to be a dealbreaker when choosing a breeder or shelter to pick from.

User Interviews

As this is a solo project, it is important to note that my direct pool of acquaintances was where my users came from. Before I could even talk to them, I had to set some interview goals:

  • How have they looked for dogs in the past?

  • What factors are most important to them when adopting/buying dogs?

  • What are the biggest issues they face?

I spoke with 10 potential users who were in their early to late 20s.

Convenience sampling and snowball sampling were in play here so I could gather enough participants.

I would love to talk to younger and older individuals with potentially different pain points and needs!

The Personas

Reliability Regina

  • Age: Early 20s

  • Owns dogs and has friends who own dogs

“I felt uncomfortable going to meet the person because I don’t know if they are reliable. Is there a website or reviews?”

  • Pain Points: Cost and Reliability

Frugal Frankie

  • Age: Mid 20s

  • Family owns dog

“The dogs in the bay area are very expensive, and it’s very difficult to find a puppy that’s affordable and close by.”

  • Pain Points: Cost and Distance

✨ Side note:

Walking Walter

  • Age: Mid 20s

  • Family bought dog from AKC (American Kennel Club) Breeder

“We really wanted to have a ChowChow, but there aren’t any breeders nearby, but we wanted to visit the puppy in person first since we have a dog…” 

  • Pain Points: Distance and Breed

Concerning Map View

7 out of 10 users (including the mentioned users above) felt that a map view would be a beneficial such a feature exists in other analogous products such as Yelp.

Design Principles


Not only to know WHERE the pup is, but exactly how far a user would have to travel.


Verification with only reputable breeders is a core value of Pup2Home. Ensuring that users do not have to go through unreliable sellers when other options exist.


Allowing my users to easily filter by price and view the puppies in their price range and in reachable distance means that’ll lower the costs for them.



Below are my iterations for the mobile app. Please contact me at if you would like to see or talk more about my process!


My initial iterations/sketches for the homepage made sure to include an easy to reach thumb zone.

Something that users mentioned liking when I walked through these low-fi options were the filters below the search bar. Making them convenient.

Some constructive feedback I got was regarding whether distance was a filter, or something that was answered with the location icon on the search bar.


My initial iterations/sketches for the homepage made sure to include an easy to reach thumb zone.

Something that users mentioned liking when I walked through these low-fi options were the filters below the search bar. Making them convenient.

Some constructive feedback I got was regarding whether distance was a filter, or something that was answered with the location icon on the search bar.

Mid Home.png

Puppy detail page

The detail page was straightforward to create. Users mentioned enjoying the individual details of each pup. Specifically it was mentioned:

—“I didn’t know much about the logistic stuff of owning a puppy, so seeing the registrations was helpful since it taught me something new.”

Some feedback that I included in the final iteration was separating the info on this detail page to be shown in categories of similar info, or reducing the information.

Mid Pup Profile.png

High-Fidelity (Mobile)



& Takeaways

🤔 Testing, testing and more testing

Since I’ve created both mobile and web, it is crucial to to go back and test with more users. I would like to implement more research methods this way. Since there are multiple variations for my web, one such example is to conduct A/B Testing.

Implementing a Design System (MUI)

As I finished touching up my final iteration with Google Material Design, I really wish to introduce this to all my screens using that crucial feedback from my users.